
A surgical journey and road to recovery Belgium and France

Dr. Bose Travel Information

Preparing for Overseas Travel

The facility where I work is known as AJRI – Asian Joint Reconstruction Institute in Chennai, India and this hospital is as good as any other facility in any part of the world. It is a premier tertiary referral Centre for all joint reconstructive procedures from all over the world. The hospital has an excellent international patient's division which would help you with your requirements. Complimentary pick -up at the Chennai airport is always arranged by the hospital for all International patients. We have a custom-built ward for overseas hip surgery patients.


Dr. DeSmet Travel Information

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

It is with great pleasure we welcome you in Ghent. We are delighted to have you in our clinic as our guest, and we shall do our utmost effort to make your stay in Ghent enjoyable.

Upon your arrival in Brussels Airport (Zaventem), there are two ways to travel to Ghent.