Bill T. RBHR 10/13/2013 Dr. Rogerson

Eleven months ago I was given the chance to have a BHR by Dr. Rogerson. I wish I had looked into it years ago. I was always under the impression that hip surgery was something you put off until your hip was completely shot. And that can mean years of compensation and pain.

“Eleven months ago I was given the chance to have a BHR by Dr. Rogerson. I wish I had looked into it years ago. I was always under the impression that hip surgery was something you put off until your hip was completely shot. And that can mean years of compensation and pain. It can also mean you may lessen the chances you would even be eligible for a resurfacing. My BHR by Dr. Rogerson has turned back the clock. At the 6 month point after surgery I was ready to hit the ice, backpacked across Isle Royale NP, and enjoying golf again. I really don’t give it a second thought anymore except the trips to the dentist and at the airport. (good idea to know how to say metal hip in any foreign language you need). That being said, this is a big surgery and your success is directly related to your rehab efforts and adherence to their prescribed program. I am very pleased. I can’t say enough about Dr. Rogerson and his team and Desiree at the HipHab program. I believe their experience leads to excellent outcomes. Post-op at Capitol Lakes Center and the HipHab program are as good as it gets. You really get all the positive encouragement along the way that makes that first 4-6 weeks go by quickly.” 

Bill T Bill